Task App - Intro

This getting started demonstrates how to build the backend of a Task App using Domain-Driven Design, Event Sourcing and Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS).

The next 4 steps show how to plan the app, generate the code and run the tests.
The final step will show how to deploy the app to AWS.

User Interface

This is how the user interface for the Task App backend could look like. The UI mockup is included here to give a better idea of the Task App.


This is the result of a High Level EventStorming for the Task App.

Task App

From the UI mockup and the High Level EventStorming, we can break down the Task App in 4 Use Cases:

  1. Add Task - A Command to add a new Task Aggregate
  2. Complete Task - A Command to set the status of an existing Task Aggregate to completed
  3. Task Overview - A Projection to create a list of Tasks Readmodel
  4. Assignee Task Overview - A Query to get a list of Tasks per assignee

Start Building

Add Task

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