The Schema defines a data structure in an application. The schema is used to define the data structure in multiple parts of an application, e.g. API Request Payload, Event Payload and Aggregate State.
Data Flows define how Schemas interact with each other.
Add a property
Click the plus icon on the of the schema name right, e.g. on the right next to request.
Property name
Type a name of choice in the name input.
The name can only contain lower case letters, white spaces and numbers.
This restriction exists in order to be able to translate the property name into code.
Property data type
Select a property data type.
For more details about the data types object and enum see below.
Optional and Array
Check the Optional checkbox for an optional property.
Check the Array checkbox and the data type is an array of the selected data type.
For more details about the data types object and enum see below.
Click the checkmark icon to create the new property.
Click the cross cancel the property creation.
Schema with properties
Press next to a property to edit the name, data type and redefine if the property is optional or an array.
Press next to a property to delete the property. The property will be removed without option to recover it.
If the property is used as Value Source, the Value Source will be deleted too.
The object is a reusable set of properties. The object and its properties can be defined once and used as the type of multiple properties within multiple schemas.
A change of an object changes it globally. That means if the object is changed in one schema, will be changed in all schemas. e.g. adding a property to the object, will add a property everywhere the object is used as the type for a property.
There are two ways to add an object:
Add and edit an object while adding a schema property, see Add in Schema view